I am very excited to be joining in on the Blogger's Quilt Festival hosted by Amy's Creative Side!
Thank you for coming to visit and learn more about my quilt. I hope you enjoy it!
It was very easy for me to choose the quilt I wanted to post about because it's the only quilt larger than a mini that I've finished! lol
It also happens to be the very first quilt I've ever made.
So here it is, Folks!
"The Baby Quilt"
Here's a little more about this quilt:
This quilt is special to me in a couple of ways besides it being the first quilt I've every made. It's the very first thing that I made when learning to sew.
You see I BADLY wanted to learn to sew but alas and alack I had no machine. So the Lord blessed me with a friend who bought me my first sewing machine! I was so thankful for her generosity (especially since the machine was a Bernina!!). She says it was more out of selfishness for herself in buying me my Bernina because she was going to teach me how to sew. She didn't want to worry about the hassle of figuring out a cheapy machine (which I would have bought if left to my own unknowing devices) while teaching me how to create with it.
The very first class I took was a beginner quilting class taught by my friend. For the class she chose a simple quilt pattern made from Charm Packs.
This quilt went with me on my journey in learning about my machine: threading it, bobbins, and seam allowances. And all the things that go along with creating something lovely: pressing, rotary cutters, and let's not forget the seam ripper! I enjoyed every minute and worked on it any chance I could get. Ahhh, memories!
The choice of fabric in my quilt was based on what charm packs were on sale at my local fabric store, Silly Babies by Moda. I thought they were perfect since the purpose of this quilt was to be something for my kids to snuggle under on Family Movie night. Which comes to the 2nd reason this quilt is special.
It's a quilt that will keep my kids warm and it will get a lot of love!
I like this picture of The Baby Quilt best because it's doing what it was made for, being snuggled under!!

Thank you for visiting! Now go see all the other gorgeous quilts that are being shown in the Blogger's Quilt Festival!